Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

'Sup? First Post Yeah!

yeah, 'sup? ini blog baru gue, yang lama kayaknya gagal. dan gue lebih memilih untuk bikin blog baru daripada ngebetulin blog gue yang lama

. . . .eh, wat? *ketiduran*

oh yeah, I'm back to basic. gue mulai ngeblog dari awal. entahlah, tapi gue rasa punya blog itu keren, walaupun gue gatau mau ngepost apa di blog ini. absurd things? maybe... fanfics? I think yes... doodles? hell yeah why not?

and... no widgets? yes, I'm tired of that shit. gue gamau lagi pake widget yang aneh-aneh. bisa mengganggu size blog gue nantinya. gue aja udah berat, masa blog gue berat juga? :/

dan, tentang judul blog.. why "My Die-Arrry"??? I don't know. fyi, you supposed to read it as "My Diary"... *obvious* because I think I'll post my daily life. which life? I don't know it either, I have no life. the internet has taken my soul *dafuq?*

yup, it all ends here. thanks for watching.. I mean, reading. yeah whatever... I wonder how many visitors will visit this blog. Haters gonna hate, Visitors gonna visit~

see ya around, and be careful around internet fellas. It's quite creepy out there, haha!

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